A little rant about being more neighbourly

To the Editor,

Last week, a rabbit was killed on the road in front of my house. It was a beautiful animal, looking so serene.

I knew that if I called the place that takes dead animals, it would take a long time, and I was busy working. Actually, I didn't want to touch it. The trucks and cars came and ran over the bunny until it was dreadful sight.

When I went out to get the newspaper in my mailbox, I saw that someone had put the mashed rabbit on the bricks in front of my front doorstep. Flies and ants were having a festival, so I brought out the Raid and sprayed the bugs. But what to do with the remains of that poor bunny? Google says, "Your local municipal government will not pick up dead animals from private property – this is the responsibility of the homeowner. If you come across a dead animal or road kill on public property, please call your local municipal government and they'll send out one of their crews to clean it up."

At that point, I had to wait until Monday. Thanks, unknown jerk! Are you the guy who stomped on my flowers, trashing my bleeding hearts and hydrangeas, when you came to paint my neighbour's Enbridge gas meter last year?

Isn't Elmira a nice place to live?

Shannon Purves-Smith