Police marking Crime Prevention Week in the province

The week of November 5-11 is Crime Prevention Week in Ontario. The Ontario Provincial Police will place emphasis on crime prevention and community safety and well-being.

This year’s theme for Crime Prevention Week is “Building Safer Communities Together.” The theme encourages community safety and well-being as a shared responsibility, including the engagement of multi-sector partners at a local level, police report.

In support of Crime Prevention Week the OPP is launching a new partnership that will enable OPP officers to continue the OPP Community Bear Program.

The OPP Community Bear Program enables officers to provide reassurance and comfort to our youngest victims, which begins the process of rebuilding their sense of safety and security. The Community Bear Program focuses on how proactive measures support crime prevention. The interaction between our officers and children, as well as partnerships with community agencies, address the importance of early intervention.

“Crime Prevention Week 2017 promotes working together to improve community safety and well-being for all. The OPP continues to encourage everyone to create and strengthen partnerships to work toward safer and healthier communities,” said OPP Insp. Robyn MacEachern of community safety services.