School’s Out For Summer!

Thursday was the last day of school for most children across the province. Grade 6 students Kali Jessop, Marin Taylor, Mackenzie Beacom and Jasmine Thuroo, along with their classmates from Park Manor, celebrate as they leave school for their summer vacation.

As schools empty out at the end of June and summer vacations begin the Waterloo Regional Police are reminding the public about some basic tips for safety in and around the home and on the road.

Drivers are reminded to not drink and drive and to focus on driving safely and legally with reduced distractions. With summer vacation in full swing there will be many vehicles on the roadways. Motorists are reminded to allow for plenty of time to reach their destinations and all passengers should be wearing seat belts.

Cyclists should always follow the rules of the road while remaining alert and aware of their surroundings. As always helmets are mandatory for children, but all cyclists should consider wearing one. Cyclist should ensure their bikes are properly equipped and maintained.

For those walking the streets they should always be aware of their surroundings and use sidewalks, walk facing traffic, and only cross at designated areas.

Children should know never to approach a stranger and stay away from vehicles they do not know. When possible they should walk in groups and always tell their parents where they are going, who they are with, and when they will return. Younger children should avoid secluded areas in parks, alleys, lanes, and empty parking lots.

Going away on a summer vacation can be a lot of fun but to avoid unwanted intruders while on vacation it is recommended that homes should be secure by locking doors and windows, including screens. The use of security lights and motion sensors and lamp timers may deter vandals and thieves. Ask a trusted neighbour to check on your home while you are away. Leave a number where you can be reached and cancel deliveries.

Additional tips can be found at