Up for bid: fun with the teachers

Imagine your teacher cleaning out your locker or taking you and your friends to the mall and treating you to a dinner at the food court; imagine getting to ride with your teacher in his convertible.

A bit too much to expect?

Students and teachers at Park Manor in Elmira took part in a special auction, raising $1,400 for cancer research. Two of the highest bidders included a group of four boys who forked out $170 and a group of four girls who paid $120 to get a chance to go shopping and have dinner with their teachers at Conestoga Mall. From left, Evan Buehler, Adam Brubacher, Sean Wilton, Kyle Bauman (centre), Tiffany Bauman, Anika Bartel, Emily Martin, Lindsay Letkeman. At back, teachers Christina Neely and Meghan Martin.

In Elmira, these uncanny scenarios were the stuff of reality as several teachers at Park Manor Senior Public School were put up for auction as a fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society’s Great Ride n’ Stride taking place in Elmira tomorrow (Sunday).

Students in Grades 6 to 8 teamed up and placed bids for a number of items and services offered by their teachers.

Saving up their allowances or babysitting pay, or receiving some help from their parents, students purchased items and raised a total of $1,400 for the cause.

Among the items auctioned off were the services of a teacher cleaning out a student’s locker, several kids being taken out for lunch, and a pizza party.

A favourite option for the students saw a teacher collecting the kids every morning of the week, driving them to Tim Hortons, treating them to a hot chocolate, and dropping them off at home at the end of the day.

“It’s very cool, the kids really liked that one,” said Meghan Martin, who organized the event along with fellow teacher Christina Neely.

One group of students bid $170 to have three teachers take them out shopping for the evening.

In return for their bid, the students were treated to a dinner at the Conestoga Mall food court and then saw a Hannah Montana movie, with the students paying for their movie tickets.