Watercress CRT, Kitchener, ON Canada

Crime of the Week:  February 3, 2020  Case#: 1709

Offence: Vehicle Thefts Date: Jan 14, 2020

Waterloo Regional Police are issuing a warning after seeing a rise in vehicle thefts over the past two weeks. Police are reminding motorists not to leave their vehicles running and left unattended.

Since November 1, 2019, police have received thirty reports of vehicle thefts and one attempted theft. Four out of the thirty thefts have occurred within two days in the South-West area of Kitchener.

Police are reminding motorists to use a remote starter, or sit in your vehicle while it’s warming up, however, never leave it unattended. Car thieves will drive around neighbourhoods looking for vehicles that are warming up. It only takes seconds for the thief to get behind the wheel of your car and for you to be without a vehicle.