Noting that in “recognizing good play, sometimes you get backed into a corner,” Wellesley Mayor Ross Kelterborn made good on a promise to Centre Hastings Township Deputy Reeve Tom Simpson by wearing a Centre Hastings Grizzlies jersey at April 30’s Wellesley council meeting.

The sartorial choice stemmed from a bet made between Kelterborn and Simpson based on the outcome of a playoff game in the Ontario Minor Hockey Association between the Grizzlies and the Twin Centre Stars Atom AE teams. The Centre Hastings government suggested that if the Stars lost, then Kelterborn would have to either wear a Grizzlies jersey during council, or fly the Centre Hastings flag at Wellesley’s municipal building for a week.
“If by any chance we lose, I would do the same,” wrote Simpson.
“I have the enviable task of wearing a sweater tonight,” deadpanned Kelterborn to council on Wednesday. “I hope it’s a summer sweater.”
While the Twin Centre team lost their third and final game of the series on March 24, Kelterborn, who attended the game with Coun. Jim Olender, called it “an excellent game sportsmanship-wise, playing-wise.”
In a letter that accompanied the jersey, Simpson wrote, “With all sports, there is always a team that comes out victorious and a team that gives its best. Your coaching staff, players, and parents should be commended for being your community ambassadors.”
Kelterborn added, “The minor hockey coaches, in my opinion, got from their people what they set out to do, and that’s to promote good sportsmanship and citizenship in our township.”
Kelterborn also requested that a copy of Simpson’s letter be made for the Stars’ coaching staff.